Last year started off so well with the
amazing birth of my beautiful baby girl Arianna until tragedy struck us.
The worst possible thing happened. Arianna stopped breathing.
We spent the hardest most dreadful time of our lives in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit not knowing whether Arianna would pull through. Here’s a video I made called
I wrote a lot of poetry during those dark moments to help keep us positive. This poem’s about the nurses aka angels who looked after my baby when we could not:
Little angels
Little angels are at play
Everyday in this place of the sick
Gliding around the wards checking
Nothing’s untoward
Seemingly without a care in the world
But with all the care in the world
Pulses and problems
Our children are sick
But they’ll pull through
As long as we have you
YOU too
Looking over us
All messaging
All praying
All thinking
My dear child is too young to touch death
But we’re blessed you’re out of that mess
You’re alive
You’re alive
The main thing my cherub
Is you’ve survived
Thanks to the little angels you’re alive.
You travelled for nine months in my womb
Lots of wriggles in the little room
I loved you then
I loved you as soon as you’d slid out
And without a doubt
We all love you now
You went grey and lifeless in my arms
Your sweet breaths halted
In what resulted in a fight for your life
Now in your hospital bed
With tubes coming in and of your
little body
You’re too small to recall
Your darkest days
Thank God
We know you’ll pull through
You have got everyone around you
You have the whole world to see
People to meet
But for now just compete
For that precious life of yours
We can ask no more
Our days and nights are far apart
To what we had before
But we are here little Arianna
We are here
Every step of your journey
We are here
We were so fortunate that Arianna did pull through and we could hold our little cherub again.
Last year we experienced some of the worst moments of our lives. But this year, yes this year is, and will be, the best.
To celebrate Arianna’s life and 1st birthday she is being baptised at the weekend.
And to celebrate one of our best moments I’ve written this poem to read at the baptism:
Arianna’s baptism
It was just one year ago when our beautiful baby greeted us so
A smooth birth
a warm welcome to the world
But a few months later
Our world was tainted
when you my baby
Had your last breath
You Touched death my child
We were all by your side
Praying, wishing, pleading for you
To pull through
And you did
Thank you all for helping Arianna
And us
To cope, to not give up hope
We know we were the lucky ones
To come out of that place with you
Breathing, believing, breathing, believing
And here you are now
Almost one
Giggling, clapping, walking and trying talking
With no memory of the nightmare that had unfolded before you
We will never forget
But you will never remember
Keeping growing baby
You’ve saved me and all of us
As we live for you
We will always cherish Your sister Jasmine and you
Every breath
Every memory
It is us, our family

6 Comments. Leave new
Oh my goodness! How scary for you. I’m so glad Arianna pulled through and you have had her baptism at her 1st birthday. You have a talent for poems and I love Arianna’s name as it is my daughter’s name too!!! Thanks for sharing with #bestandworst x
Aw thats so lovely!! we are truly blessed and thank you so much for your kind words xx
As an OB nurse I thank you for the beautiful words you have written about my profession! What a terrifying experience. I am very thankful that your little girl pulled through and you have maintained your positivity. Keep up the good work!
The Mama Nurse
thank you so so much and thank you for all that you do xxx
Oh my, it sounds quite a year. Beautiful writing and something I’m sure she’ll look back at when she’s older which will help her understand the anguish of it all. Hoping 2016 is the best year for you all – thanks for linking up to #PoCoLo
thank you so much for hosting and for your kind comment xxx