Want to know how to make kick ass New Year’s resolutions, then click here.
I always like to know other people’s resolutions, as I’m nosey and it helps me to create my own.
So in a bid to publicly declare mine and to hold myself accountable (I’d love to hear yours too)…
I start by categorising the things that are most important to me and then pin-point how I could improve certain elements.
– Family: I’m definitely getting better at my role as a parent as I learn new things every day.
But I also realise that as a family we could spend more quality time together. It’s easy to get lost in work, chores and the daily grind (although I hate that phrase as I like to enjoy each day).
So I’m going to make sure that we have at least one family outing each week. It’s hard to set a day with my husband Chris and I both being self-employed but a once-a-week trip should be a minimum aim.
And Chris and I also need to set a date night once a month as we find ourselves just passing batons rather than ever really catching up.
A lot of couples manage a once a week date night but this is just unrealistic for us.
Mother-Daughter Date: Once a week date with my eldest daughter Jasmine as we used to have lots of time together before baby Arianna arrived. Now I spend most my week with Ari whilst Jazz is at school. So Jazz and I need to create a list of things to do together.
– Blog: I have so many aims for 2017 with my blog… here’s just a few… launching Blog Up North (a northern bloggers network @bloggerupnorth), redesigning Mama Mei site, winning an award (great PR and kudos!) and working with more fantastic brands on bigger projects.
– Fitness:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7k6ST_mgInc&w=560&h=315]
Exercise at least 30 minutes a day (kids too). And build the fitness section of my blog by launching an online health club (if you want to get involved comment below or message me on Facebook.com/MamaMeiBlog).
– Travel: I’m writing this from Vietnam, the last stop in our epic honeymoon travelling south-east Asia.
Our next adventure? To work remotely for a month in Summer. We’re wanting to travel as a family and “live” somewhere abroad for a month during the holidays.
– Projects: I’m going to take part in #PhotoaDay by posting at least one photo each day!
Plus I’m going to try out doing a Miracle Morning (6 minutes per day when you wake up) = A minute each of affirmations/mindfulness/writing/exercise/reading/visualising. Inspired by this book…
– Vlog: Here’s a little intro to my Vlog https://youtu.be/6VZiSYhkX3k
Aims: x2 casual blogs per week and x2 professional vlogs per month (minimum).
– Home: Clear out out at least one bag of stuff, to give to charity each week. E.g. Kon Mari – things that don’t give you “joy.”
Put one thing a day online to sell.
– Health: It’s always tempting to follow the trend and put “loose weight” in this section. But do you/I really need to loose weight? Be honest with yourself.
So my health goal is to cut down on sugar & caffeine and on dairy/animal produce (I’m already a life-long Vegetarian) starting with going Vegan this January for Veganuary.com.
– Business: Growing mine and my bestie’s business EvokeMediaGroup.co.uk (PR/Filming/Promotions):
– Planning: Try to stick to a business/life weekly timetable that includes all of the above.
E.g. Monday mornings = Gym time and writing blog posts whilst Ari at nursery.
Monday afternoons = playgroup with Ari, pick Jazz up from school & go to Wacky Warehouse.
Monday eves = Jazz gymnastics. Make tea and tidy house. Chris football.
And so on… (I won’t bore you with our whole week!)
Of course all these goals need greater detail and how to action them but I didn’t want to bore you with all that stuff!
I’d love to hear what your main goals are for 2017?
And what were your highlights of 2016?
Here’s ours from cooking live on TV to getting married:
Happy New Year – I hope its full of happiness, health and smiles.
“One laugh banishes a thousand worries” (Chinese Proverb).