“In 2015, I won a Prima Magazine competition which made my dream of being a traditionally published author come true.
“In 2016, my winning entry, The Chic Boutique on Baker Street was published by Mills & Boon, and I haven’t stopped writing since!”
Rachel Dove, from West Yorkshire, is now writing her 5th book, and has two books out this year with HQ Digital and another three contracted for next year.
But the Mum-of-two said: “I still get rejections, so as a writer you need a thick skin, but chasing the next contract, the next competition win, the next short story magazine publication is exciting
“It definitely helps you to keep practicing and honing your writing.”
Rachel who lives in Wakefield with her husband, two young sons, dog and cat, said: “I have a passion for English, the Yorkshire countryside, books and education and provision for special needs (SEN) children.
“My own two children have SEN, so it’s from a viewpoint of a Post 16 teacher and a parent. I work in adult education, and work/write from home full time.”
Rachel has written since her childhood. She said: “Reading books is my favourite thing in the world. I couldn’t live without being immersed in the written world every day.”

Daily Life
“These days I get up early, doing the usual mum things of breakfasts, dealing with the puppy and cat, laundry, etc then it’s the school run and errand time. By ten am, I like to be home, breakfast and coffee at my side whilst I fire up the laptop and hammer away till home time. I work on numerous projects at once, and I am always submitting to competitions too.
“I start an MA in Creative Writing this autumn, and I can’t wait to get started. I get to make people fall in love all day long, have fun and adventures, all whilst my family grows around me and I get to see every moment.
“It’s challenging, though! Some days the words don’t flow, or I don’t have the time to work. Imagine having to wash your colleagues’ pants when you arrive at work every day!”
“Working from home is busy, and when my kids are older, I shall definitely be going to a writers retreat in Paris or Italy, but for now, I am happy at home.
“Day trips and holidays are excellent research too! My days are varied. Some days I am at fancy parties in London, or on the radio, or in a magazine, the next day I am in Aldi doing the weekly shop! I am loving the author life, and I wouldn’t swap it for the world.”
Find me on twitter (avoiding the writing/washing basket) @writerdove
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