Chinese New Year: Decluttering tips for your home

Life, Life Coaching
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If you wanted to look inside my mind, you just need to step into my home. Never did a ‘through the keyhole’ peak showcase neurodiversity better.  “If the old doesn’t go, the new won’t come,” as the Chinese Proverb goes, and while this always prompts me to clean and declutter in time for Chinese New Year, to let in the good fortune.

I try and order my interior for guests but the reality is I struggle to know where to begin.

Mrs. Hinch and Kon Mari roll their clothes and label cleaning products but it’s an achievement for me to place something on the correct designated pile.

On the external I run a social enterprise specialising in improving mental health through creative media and wellbeing activities, I work freelance as Journalist and I am a single mum who enjoys studying. If you don’t look closely at my unbrushed hair, you’d think I am on top of things. But while I manage a range of projects at any one time, my ‘worst self,’ is demonstrated in my living space.

A lot of us find ourselves in this position where we’re juggling so much that even the simplest decision at home such as ordering a drawer can feel overwhelming.

“Your home is a direct representation of your mind,” explained Rachel Smith from Clutter is My Enemy who doesn’t flinch at my ‘organised chaos.’

In fact, she is here as a supportive sounding board to help me prepare my home to make way for fortune.

While to me I cringe at welcoming a new person into my weird and wonderful world, Rachel explains that my home is “just lived in.” I still need her help however as I am in this space daily and I know how much more peaceful I will feel with less ‘stuff,’ and more of an order.

Rachel doesn’t just declutter someone’s living space but their mind too, I quickly realise that this is far from a superficial endeavour.

As I passionately scrub my oven as we pause, she explains how so many people who have felt isolated due to mental health problems, end up hiding away at home due to the ‘state’ they feel they’re festering in.

For this reason, Rachel, also a home stylist, began helping people in Lockdown with their mental wellbeing via their homes who had been facing eviction.

Thanks to her down-to-earth non-judgemental approach, people gradually let her into their home.

Rachel helped to declutter, organise and plan their space with many people starting to share their challenges.

Within a couple of days, Rachel witnessed people transform from dwelling on their past to making future plans.

Whether you believe in the good fortune a new year can bring or not, getting rid of items that don’t serve you anymore, cleaning away negative energy, and using your ‘best’ wares every day, can only be a positive thing.

As we welcome the annual mental health Time To Talk Day this Chinese New Year, if you have space perhaps you could offer someone your time to help someone organise their home and their mind.

Read more at:, and follow @WomensWorldofWellbeing @TheSparkleCoach

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